To heal ripped skin after hair removal, you can find these consequences after applying a treatment like this on the dermis. We can detect that our skin has been irritated because of a reddening of the area or tiny red dots that usually appear in the follicles where the hair is born. However, several practices can help calm this irritation after the laser hair removal session. To do this, and as we will delve into later, Aloe Vera is one of the essential products for the skin to recover from the irritation that may occur after treatment. In addition, throughout this post, we will also talk about other vital tips.
Table of Contents
Be smart when choosing your tools – to Heal Ripped Skin:
Rakes: If you shave, using multi-blade razors that are well-sharpened is essential. Otherwise, you run the risk of applying more pressure when trying to remove the hair and generating the classic red spots after waxing.
Wax: If you prefer this traditional method, make sure you know its composition before you start. Check that it has no ingredient that can cause an allergic reaction to avoid irritation from waxing.
Electric epilator: Do you want to remove hair from the root? Look for devices that emphasise both efficiencies and taking care of your skin. For example, the Philips Satinelle Prestige Wet & Dry epilator comes with a textured ceramic head to catch even the finest and shortest hairs. It incorporates a massage head to protect your skin from breakage and irritation.
If you resort to shaving with a blade or cream
This section contains the blade and the depilator creams since both cut the hair superficially and are the fastest and least durable method.
- If you shave with the blade, your skin will be more protected if you use shaving gel or foam to shave or use a knife with moisturising agents. These products help it glide better by removing hair more effectively and preventing minor cuts.
- Depilatory creams are very comfortable but have chemical components that degrade the hair’s keratin until it breaks down and can be irritating. Avoid damaging the skin is vital not to exceed the application time.
After shaving, cleanse your skin with water to remove any remaining product. Dry gently, without rubbing, since the dermis will be very delicate and thus avoid annoyance.
Then it hydrates the skin very well. In addition to the hair, the blade removes dead cells from the superficial, which can be more dry and irritated, requiring extra hydration with cream or natural oils. Do it a combination of times a day.
If you opt for wax to depilate
When removing hair from the root, the pore is left open, so extreme care must take.
- Follow the example of the beauticians: after the pull, gently press the depilated area with the palm of your hands to calm the skin.
- Use the post-depilation wipe you will find in the wax container or a cotton pad soaked with micellar water to remove the remains.
- It will be good for you to refresh the waxed area with cold water to relieve discomfort and close the pores.
- Then apply an aloe vera gel, almond oil, or cream with shea butter to soothe possible irritations.
- Do not wear tight clothing over the waxed area, and do not play sports after waxing, as sweat can irritate sensitive skin.
- Avoid the sun on waxed areas for two days after waxing, as the skin is sensitised, and UV rays can permanently darken it. Also, avoid peelings and cosmetics with alcohol (cologne and deodorants).
If you use an electric machine
This hair removal technique also rips out the bulb. Removing the hair one by one and from the root can make the skin somewhat sore and irritated, so running cold water over the sensitised area will relieve you.
Then, refresh and soften the skin using a moisturizing cream or oil that includes an active ingredient such as aloe vera, oatmeal, or chamomile, which will relieve discomfort due to its relaxing and calming properties.
Remember to moisturize the depilated area at least twice a day.
If you opt for Photoepilation
It is the most effective and lasting method, almost definitive if done correctly. However, both laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) produce minor injuries to the hair follicle as they destroy it.
After the sessions, the skin is somewhat sore and sensitized, so extra care must give based on the deep repair.
The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology makes these recommendations for after-hair removal with pulsed light or laser:
- Apply aloe vera gel or argan oil three times a day for the next 3-4 days or a non-comedogenic (non-pore clogging) moisturizer.
- Do not sunbathe for seven days afterward; if you do, use a waterproof 50 sunscreen.
- Avoid saunas, hot baths, and tight clothing.
- Do not use makeup on photoepilated areas for 24 hours.
There is always a small risk of a laser burn, so it is essential to put yourself in the hands of a qualified professional.
However, if this happens, you can apply cold cloths to the skin to relieve discomfort and hydrocortisone cream twice daily for 4-5 days. And don’t let the sun hit the affected area.
Conclusion: Heal Ripped Skin
You no longer have to choose between smooth skin or worry about how long the irritation lasts after waxing. Apply these tips, and you will again enjoy wearing light clothing on hotter days without suffering from hair removal irritation.